$27.00 USD

Every month

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The WILDFIRE Den Online Circle

Warriors Ignited Living Daringly

Flowing IRadical Embodiment

For the radiant soul who: 

  • Craves a Thriving Community
  • Has Journeyed Through the Abyss and Emerged Stronger
  • Thrives in the Company of Empowered Souls
  • Embraces Radical Self-Accountability
  • Is Prepared to Be Embraced in Their Shadows and Light

What you'll get:

  • 3 x 90min online circles a month
  • Curated exercises, tools, and prompts
  • Surprise Bonuses 


What People Are Saying:

🔥 The Wildfire Den is the hour and a half a week that I can be me. No responsibilities with the kids, deadlines to meet, or stressful conversations over money. Instead I learn breathing techniques, strategies for overcoming anxiety, and have awesome conversations with a wonderful group of friends. 🔥
